Hello There! I noticed my last post was a bit more serious than what I usually write, so I wanted to write something a little more lightweight, well hopefully.
PMS! pissed at men syndrome
PMS is something we all girls go through, unfortunately. PMS should stand for Prepare to Meet Satan haha, being a girl is hard. We have so much to deal with emotionally and physically. I'm on that time of the month, so I thought it would only be fair to talk about something that might be a taboo in some cultures. Fist things first, PMS is not your period, think of it as something before it really happens. Your brain will send hormones through out you body when your PMSing, that's why us girls feel very different from normal. So they call it the pre-menstrual syndrome. And yes we all get it, sadly.
(We are all bitches at PMSing, don't worry!) LOL
Recently I have been in a emotional roller coaster, I'm really angry but I also cry all the time lolz. It doesn't really matter who it is, or what they said or did, I just want to kill everyone, and also cry with no reason being at all. Why god, oh why!! haha. But that's only PMSing, when I do get my period is like, KILL ME PLEASE xD. We have all been through that. I really feel bad for the guys that have to deal with all the bulls!@$% we say and do, I mean they have nothing to do with it, is not fair for them to deal with that crap, But then again is not our fault either so no one wins at this point, just mother nature! Damn her, honestly! haha
Amen, sister!!
So I'm obviously going to list a couple of embarrassing situations while having my period, I really don't take my self to seriously! xD My fist situation, was actually my first period ever! I was at school, in a classroom, and we were all siting in the floor, I had a little accident and left a present on the floor, everybody noticed and a teacher was like, hey Jana! you left blood on the floor, Did you cut yourself? And I was like O.O not yet! haha. The second and the most recently, unfortunately, was a couple of days ago, when my friend picked me up to go to Uni, I was sitting next to him, I think it was my second day of period, so when we arrived and got out of the car I noticed I accidentally left him a bloody present in his car seat! I was like X.X, I panicked soo hard, I couldn't think of something to do! so I told him what happened, he laughed, he made it look like it was no big deal, but it was! I was soo embarrassed, and what's really worst he actually cleaned the accident! Wasn't I supposed to do that! awkward! After that I had the walk of shame, he put a blanked over the car sit! and I wanted to kill myslef xD lolz I guess my point is relax! we all get it is normal, and maybe once you stop having it you will remember that and maybe laugh about it :)
Me every month! lolz
Well that's a wrap for this post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a good one
Till next Friday! ;)